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Aiming at more convincing "Human Resources utilization"

Human Resources Development consulting in the Philippines

Test method and result

☆Short time
☆Can do immediately
therefore、returnable the results in the same day.

About a week to return the results usually.

Test method

He/She does simple additions of single-digit integers, moving on to the line immediately below every minute.The test takes net 30 minutes, 15 minutes of the first half and another 15 of the last half, with a break in between.

Total additions made (=the amount of work) represents abilities, changes in the quantity of additions made every minute (working curve) and number of addition errors represents characteristics of personality and behavior.。

How to test ~It's very easy~

Online version Report(illust.)

The results of the UK test are composed of the following line-ups.

In Asia, we have adopted the cloud version, and 1~7 days to presentation of the results.